Saturday, July 10, 2010

Paw Paw Patch: #3

Pugs "in a Blanket"

July 1, 2010 - Foster Goggie Beach
I was riding my bike past this: 2 Pug Pups were running around with their "mommy," and when she decided she'd had enough, she came and sat down on the blanket, and they all sat down, together! They are watching the big black goggie running around, wanting them to come play. (Only one pug shows up in the shot, unfortunately. There is actually another one behind that yellow bag beside the lady, if you zoom in).

Other Pugs in the News:

Pugs in News
One viewer writes "horrifying" this constitutes news!"

Note: It's More "horrifying" that people are so rigid and self-important, they can't imagine a world with humor and light-heartedness. Armchair QBs - the bane of Western civilization.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Gull Cup!

Gull Cup
Foster Astro Turf Field
Go Gulls!
The National Gull Soccer Cup Championship Playoff was held at the brand-new Lakeshore / Foster AstroTurf field, (located adjacent to the $2 Mil special "was-2-B" Olympic drinking fountain).

This year's reigning champions The Edgewater Pidgers bested the Lakeview Lugers in a stunning 8-2 victory, bringing home the trophy for the first time, since 1941!
Gull Cup

The Governor announced there will be a victory ticker-tape parade at the "Taste of Chicago" on Monday. In expectation of record turnouts, revelers are advised to wear visors, and bring a newspaper or an umbrella. Go You Gulls! Hoot Hoot!
We caught up with Clancy Wingstrom in the locker-room:


MVP Clancy Wingstrom

"Yeah, ya know, uhhh, it was a really good game, and uhhm, yeah, ya know, we just, uhhh, got out der and pushed da ball, and uhhhm, yeah, tings got tuff, and sometimes it's hard, and uhh, dis dat an de utter ting, ya know, but it all comes down ta one ting, ya know: if you just get out der an do yer best to win, ya know, sometimes it pays off in de end."

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

4th of July - From the Top

(Note: Hit the speaker to make it stop/start.)

July 4 at my house!
This year the Chicago fireworks display took place in the harbor, just below me, between Lawrence and Foster, with the Navy Pier fireworks off in the distance, from a single red barge, which you can see in some of the pics. We alternated simulcasts of the fireworks display with FM 101.9, "A Capitol 4th, Washington D.C.," NYC's Hudson River display, and Reba McEntire all in HD. It was a great night! Enjoy the show!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Beachhouse Eleven!

As it Looks Today
The new Beach House at Hollywood (Osterman) Beach officially opened on Friday afternoon, July 3, 2010! They will be serving cocktails, in the summer! There is a restaurant, as well, operated by the "Picnic" Restaurant, up the street at Berger Park!

I've been watching the progress, down below me. Here is how it has evolved from the portable trailers, in the sand, last summer . . .

SLIDESHOW (Hit Sound for music; Hit the small "X" above the "Play" to hide the balloon bar; or "View All Images" button below for options).


Last Summer
Same Spot Last Summer

Last Summer
Same Spot Last Summer

Last Summer
Same Spot Last Summer

Last Winter
Same Spot Last Winter

Winter Ground Breaking
Winter Ground Breaking

Last Summer
Same Spot Last Summer

Last Winter
Same Spot Last Winter


This Spring
Same Spot This Spring

This Spring
Same Spot This Spring

Roof is on
Roof is on

Roof is on
Roof is on

This Summer
This Summer

Late June

Late June

1st Day Opened!

Opening Day

Opening Day