Friday, June 25, 2010

Paw Paw Patch #2:

Coffee Sites Seen:Irene & Logan
Andersonville Power St'uck-ers, Irene and Logan. He is a Yorktese - (Yorkie + Maltese) Designer Puppy. She said she walked into one of these "Designer Puppy" places, the other day . . . There is a Pocket Puppy store in Lincoln Park, I've walked by, many times, (possibly here) and she saw him playing out on the floor, and he went right up to her and put his little paw out - like trying to say "Hi", and it was all over. I Googled Designer Puppy Boutique in Chicago (no affiliation):

Thanks Irene and Logan! Look at that wittle face!!! Here is the link to a shelter near Andersonville, if you're thinking this is all too yurbane:

Irene & Logan

Red Door Shelter, 2410 W Lunt, Rogers Pk

Or check out, below:

Tree House No Kill Humane Society: 1212 West Carmen Avenue, Chicago - (773) 784-5488